Friday, November 27, 2020

PRE24A - The Brute


  • The Brute
  • Cold Smoke (PRE32)
  • Ferratus

PRE24A is made of smoke and/or fire, and may or may not be described as humanoid in shape. Humanoid manifestations are often described as wearing patches of cloth and leather stitched together irregularly, often including a hood over its head. Certain sources describe protrusions similar to horns extending out of it at seemingly random points on its body.
PRE24A is associated with chains. Many sources describe it as being covered, wrapped, or bound in chains, and it may be chained to an anvil, which is presumed to be indestructible, given that PRE24A itself has not yet destroyed it.

Sources in which PRE24A is active, rather than being chained or dormant, describe it as capable of acts of immense strength. However, it is rarely described as intelligent, often characterized as functionally equivalent to a wild animal or a berserker from Germanic myths. 

While PRE24A's physical power is agreed to exceed that of a human by an unknown but high degree, it is best known for its ability to induce anger and aggression in humans, either as a result of proximity to PRE24A or due to it wrapping chains around the individual(s) in question. These chains may or may not physical in nature.

Individuals made aggressive by PRE24A may display unusual degrees of physical strength and/or speed.

Further Reading

PRE24 - The Brute and the Burning Bride


  • The Brute and the Burning Bride

PRE24 is not a single entity. The designation PRE24 refers collectively to PRE24A ("the Brute") and PRE24B ("the Burning Bride"), which are frequently described working together or acting as two halves of a single being.
Further Reading
Owing to the nature of PRE24, this list will include only those sources which deal with both PRE24A and PRE24B. Sources dealing with PRE24A, PRE24B, or both will also be included in the posts dealing with said sub-PREs.

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

From the journal of Paul Blakewood (01-01-1417)

The following document is the final entry in a journal originally located in Gainsthorpe, England. This entry was dated January 1st, 1417.

No prior entries appear to deal with any PREs or UXPs.
The journal was originally written in Middle English, but this document has been translated to Modern English by our own Scribe Delta, who has a background in linguistics.
I looked outside the window this morning, and the late Father Burroughs stood outside.
He was not standing on the path, but right in front of my window.

He beckoned to me. 
I walked outside. Confused and strangely excited all at once, I asked him why he had faked his death, how he had faked his death, why he had chosen to show me in particular that he was still alive. He shook his head.
I didn't understand, but then something happened. His body contorted and twisted until he had become my Joseph, who was torn from me by war.

This was not Father Burroughs. Father Burroughs had simply become part of what stood before me.

If Heaven itself was standing in front of me, what else could I do but its will?

The journal's author, Paul Blakewood, is believed to be recorded in other accounts dealing with PREs in the months and years afterwards in the area. This includes one account in which a man identifying himself as "Apostle Paul" stalked an individual who refused to join PRE03 as he had.
That account ends ambiguously, but suggests that either "Apostle Paul" or PRE03 itself killed the individual keeping the journal, in a manner analogous to how many modern accounts of PREs and UXPs end with the author apparently dying.

- Sθ

Monday, October 19, 2020

PRE05 - The Wooden Girl

  • Harlequin
  • Kathputli
  • Lady Harlequin (Horma Studios)
  • Manipulator
  • Marionette
  • Mistress Mary
  • The Puller of Strings
  • The Queen of Puppets
  • Queen of Threads
  • The Spider
  • Spinner of Webs
  • Spirit Fingers (PRE32)
  • Splinter
  • String-Mistress
  • The Strings
  • The Wooden Girl
  • The Wooden Woman
  • Woody
PRE05 resembles a doll or puppet the size of an adult woman. It may be suspended from strings, regardless of whether there is any clear point to which the strings could be attached.

Unlike PREs such as PRE02, PRE05 rarely attacks or stalks victims directly, instead acting through P05A00 ("Puppets") and P05B00 ("Willing Dolls"). It frequently makes individuals into instances of P05A00 if it chooses them as victims or if it believes they may interfere with its plans, whatever those may be.

PRE05 is described as speaking in some sources. It identifies itself as female where relevant, but other behavior, such as whether it organizes its servants in any fashion or whether it allows them to gain power among themselves as they will, is more inconsistent.

PRE05's appearance, like those of many other PREs, tends to vary between accounts. Depending on the source, it may be described as being composed of wood, porcelain, plastic, cloth, or other materials. This is because, while it can be destroyed, usually through fire, it will always manifest through an existing instance of P05B00 which has been groomed to do so (the "Princess of Puppets"). Each new manifestation changes over the course of a variable amount of time to resemble a doll or puppet, the exact appearance of which is often different than that of the previous manifestation.

In addition to dolls and puppets, PRE05 is sometimes associated with spiders, usually in the context of being able to control their movements or having instances of P05B00 who use spider motifs.

While this distinction is considered functionally irrelevant, certain individuals believe that PRE05 is not the doll, but the strings attached to PRE05 and P05A00.

Further Reading

Saturday, October 17, 2020

PRE11 - The Manufactured Newborn

  • Assimilator
  • The Becoming God
  • The Cheshire Cat (Baker and Bellman)
  • The Child of Gears
  • The Contraption
  • The Growing Doll
  • The Mad Machine
  • The Manufactured Newborn
  • The Nuclear Toy (PRE32)
  • TOWER (PRE03)
PRE11 is an entity which manifests through a "larva," an artificial object (e.g., a computer, a compass, a pocket watch, a baby doll) which appears normal prior to "hatching," at which point the object manifests several segmented metal legs and begins to move around its area, absorbing materials into itself. While in this stage, instances of PRE11 have been known to absorb glass, plastic, metal, skin, flesh, and bone.

After absorbing a given amount of material, which may be enough that it has reached the size of a car or larger, the instance of PRE11 uses its limbs to create what is described as a "hole in the world," a rift through which CW104 (PRE11's pathway, more commonly known as the Towering Realm) can be seen. It then enters the hole to CW104, with the hole disappearing as the instance leaves.

The tower in CW104 is believed to be PRE11's full body.
Further Reading

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

From the journal of Martin King (2016)

The following document was originally a series of journal entries from throughout October and November 2016.
Memory visited me last night. He was dressed in a long black coat, dark sunglasses covering his would-be eyes.
As he watched- I knew he was watching, I knew he could see me- I sat in my bedroom, the lights out, two in the morning.
I was hungry. I was tired. But I needed to write.
(I do not want to forget. I cannot forget. How many things have I lost, how many ideas and drawings and stories? How much have I allowed myself to leave to rot, never to be seen again?)

Memory watched, and he did nothing. He simply stared out of empty sockets as I struggled to record it all.

So I wrote. I typed for four hours. I woke up in my chair, my back sore and Memory nowhere to be seen.
My laptop was still open. It was plugged in overnight, so the screen was still aglow.
I'd been midway through a sentence when I fell asleep.

I had forgotten what it was going to say.
I didn't recognize anything on that screen. It was all foreign to me, though I had written it down myself.
I had forgotten it. The only evidence that it had ever been was that I had possessed the foresight to record it.

I am only a man, Memory, I thought to myself in anguish. I do my best to serve you. Why do you betray me?

But I knew I could not escape my destiny: to forget, and to be forgotten. Everything is forgotten eventually. Everything disappears into still, silent sands, touched only by the wind.

Look on my works, ye mighty, and despair.
Memory came to my home again last night. In his hand was a thick black book. I knew its contents were made up of everything I had forgotten in the past week, as it was only the latest in a long line of such volumes.
Together, my forgotten memories made up just one row of his impossibly vast library, a chronologically-arranged archive of every single lost memory of every single person who had ever lived.
Remembering something degrades the memory, making a flawed copy of a flawed copy of a flawed copy, ad infinitum. There are so many things people believe are true but whose true form lies within his library, so many things that aren't only forgotten but replaced, their identities stolen by impostors.
Memory is a fickle thing.
So I must record. I must write down everything, or Memory himself will take it from me.

Even this is a record.

Even this I am copying and archiving and storing away.

This journal says it was written by someone called Martin King. I suppose that must be me. It sounds like me. It sounds like my style of writing.
But the name doesn't ring a bell.
I have met the man my past self called Memory. I could not confirm that he was, in fact, eyeless, but he wore the same black coat, the same dark glasses, and he carried a thick volume in his wrinkled hands.
He showed me the library my past self had once described, and when we finally emerged, we were in his Archive.

It was a cruel choice. I could allow everything to be forgotten, unrecorded, left to oblivion, or I could serve the one who makes us forget. 

In the end, though, I knew he would take it all eventually anyways. Better to leave something behind. Better to make a record.

King began working for the Seattle, Washington branch of the Archive shortly after this was written, now under the name of Scribe Kappa. Having taken this journal with him, he allowed us to make a copy for our internal records when he had completely filled it. Most entries are mundane, dealing with topics such as what food he had eaten that day or whether he had gone shopping; the entries included here are only those relevant to this site's purpose.
Of note is that the journal does not explain who "Memory" is, suggesting that entries in earlier journals or notebooks might record Scribe Kappa's earliest encounters with PRE04. Unfortunately, given that Scribe Kappa no longer remembers where he once lived, it seems unlikely that we will ever find such a record.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

PRE04 - Grandfather

  • The Aged Aged Man (Baker and Bellman)
  • The Blind Man
  • ELDER (PRE03)
  • Fossil-Type CREMATOR (Topography Genera Center)
  • Grandfather
  • The Jack of Shadows (PRE32)
  • Memory
PRE04 resembles an elderly human male and is usually described as wearing a coat, as well as either sunglasses or a blindfold. Those accounts which describe what is behind the sunglasses or blindfold vary as to the details thereof; cataracted eyes, skin directly over where its eyes would be if it were human, and completely empty eye sockets have all been reported. 

The exact details of PRE04's activity vary, as with most PREs, but the majority of sources describe it as walking through libraries while carrying a book. In some accounts, PRE04 asks its target to write their name in the book, while in others, it writes their name itself. Either way, after this point, the target suffers from retrograde amnesia. This usually affects the memories they had up to a certain age (generally the age of thirteen, sixteen, or eighteen), but it may affect another set of memories, or all of their memories at once. 
PRE04 is sometimes known to make deals with humans, causing them to forget painful or traumatic memories in exchange for a price of some sort. Owing to PRE04's nature as a PRE, these deals are rarely a net gain for the individuals making them. However, there are times when PRE04 appears to be working to its own ends rather than attempting to cause suffering in the individual with whom it is making a deal. For example, it may collect particular memories for the purpose of having them in its records or so it can later implant them in an instance of P04B00 ("Gifted"), or it may ask the individual in whom it is causing amnesia to become a member of P04A00 in exchange.
Further Reading

P03B00 - Apostles


  • Apostles
P03B00 are a group of servants to PRE03 who act as the leaders of P03A00 and are thought to have been personally chosen by PRE03. There are always twelve of them at any given time. Depending on the current group, the members of P03B00 may be more or less communicative with one another; some accounts describe them as a sort of council, making decisions for P03A00 collectively, but most describe them as a looser group, connected more by a shared role than by organizational structure or by contact with one another.
As noted in the P03A00 post, members of P03B00 are considered viable leaders of P03A00 because they are believed to take orders directly from PRE03. Whether this is true or not is unclear, but some are described as exhibiting anomalous capabilities, unlike members of P03A00, meaning it seems likely.
Further Reading

P03A00 - The Timberwolves


  • Angels 
  • Puppies
  • The Timberwolves
P03A00 function as a combination gang and cult in service to PRE03. They originated as a mundane gang who named themselves the Timberwolves for their territorial and aggressive nature prior to being taken over by a member of P03B00 and converted to a religious organization. P03A00 still retain aspects of a gang of that nature, including violent actions, territorial behavior, and the manufacturing and sale of illegal drugs, including creating and selling new designer drugs of their own (e.g., "Bliss," "Archangel Dust").

Members of P03A00 tend to be openly hostile and violent. Targets are usually those PRE03 is itself targeting, though members of P03A00 may also attack others with the aim of defending their territory or out of a general proclivity for violence.
P03A00 often use shared symbols to identify themselves to non-members and claim territory. The most common example is an icon of two triangles overlapping or two hourglasses side-by-side (the "Seal of the Archangel" or "Twin Triangles").

P03A00 also commonly use the phrase "embrace the Archangel." However, this particular phrase is not only a calling card but a command to become one with PRE03, either by serving it in life or by joining it in death.

P03A00 are among those who believe PRE03 to be the afterlife itself. Accordingly, they worship and serve PRE03 the same way that a Christian might want to enter Heaven after death and attempt to ensure they will by following what they believe to be the commands of their God.

Much like an ordinary gang or cult, P03A00 often recruit those who are vulnerable and have no other place to turn to, such as those experiencing depression, financial instability, or the recent death of a loved one. They offer clear goals and rules to those who feel unwanted, unmotivated, or uncertain. They offer a framework that explains what is wrong with the lives of potential recruits: the world is sinful, and that sin must be cleansed so that when PRE03 enters the world in its fullest form, it will not reject us, but embrace us.

Another trait P03A00 share with a mundane cult is their tendency to convince members to cut ties outside of the group, making them lose perspective of the outside world, making it so others can not convince them to leave P03A00, and making them feel like they have no other sources of community or guidance if they begin to doubt the group.

P03A00 are led by P03B00 ("the Apostles"), who are thought to be personally chosen and guided by PRE03. P03B00 act as channels through which PRE03's goals can be understood and carried out by P03A00. The relationship is not wholly unlike that of P04A00 (those of us in the Archive) and P04B00 (the Gifted); one group of servants is handpicked by their patron PRE, while the other trusts their PRE and, by extension, those they have chosen personally.
Further Reading

PRE03 - The Archangel

  • The Angel of Death
  • The Archangel 
  • Archie
  • Azrael (Oswald O. Lynch)
  • Bringer of the Dead
  • Choronzon (PRE32)
  • The Ferryman
  • Fossil-Type HADES (Topography Genera Center)
  • Osiris
  • The Resurrection Man
  • Thanatos
  • The Walrus (Baker and Bellman)
PRE03 is capable of using multiple appearances, all of which are identical to those of deceased individuals. Known examples include a priest dressed in white, a World War I soldier wearing a gas mask, and a young adult male wearing a gas mask and black jacket and armed with a rifle and baseball bat. The latter two forms, particularly the last, are commonly referred to as "Gas Mask."

PRE03 may also manifest as a deceased friend, relative, or other associate of its current target.
Regardless of its current appearance, PRE03 is capable of superhuman acts of strength, particularly when using melee weapons, meaning it is advisable to attempt to exit the area by any means necessary if you believe it may be present.
Similarly to PRE01, PRE03's behavior and apparent motives vary between accounts. Some sources describe it as aggressive, using weapons corresponding to its current appearance (e.g., a rifle and trench raiding club when using the aforementioned "WWI soldier" appearance), while others describe it as passively observing its target, often from a distance.
The Topography Genera Center East website describes PRE03 as wandering peacefully in pursuit of unknown goals, though given inconsistencies with other accounts and later revelations regarding said source's reliability, this should be treated as discredited, and PRE03 should be assumed to be hostile, even if it does not yet appear to be behaving violently.

Regardless of PRE03's own behavior, the more immediate threat generally lies in its servants: P03A00 ("Timberwolves") and P03B00 ("Apostles"). As its servants are usually willing, they tend to behave in a more aggressive and violent manner than unwilling servants, as they themselves desire to carry out any and all actions they believe will fulfill the goals of PRE03.
PRE03 is never observed speaking, but may write. When it does so, it generally writes in all-lowercase with the exception of the names it uses for other PREs, which are written in all-uppercase (e.g., STRANGER for PRE01, FERAL for PRE02, ELDER for PRE04).
Further Reading

PRE02 - The Rake


  • The Bandersnatch (Baker and Bellman)
  • FERAL (PRE03)
  • Fermata
  • Fossil-Type SMILE (Topography Genera Center)
  • Pawmark
  • The Rake
  • Rakehell
  • Ravage
  • The Tongue
  • Wave of Mutilation (PRE32)
  • Whisperer
  • The Wild King

PRE02 is a quadruped with the general build of a human. However, it has several traits which make it clear on sight that it is not a human. It is naked, but has no visible anus or reproductive organs. It has large, circular eyes, which seem to exhibit eyeshine, suggesting it may possess tapeta lucida. Its teeth are long and sharp, and it is sometimes described as having multiple rows of teeth, similar to a shark. It also has claws which are generally described as natural and made of bone, extending from its fingers, but which are sometimes described as seemingly artificial, made of metal, and worn on apparatuses fixed to its wrists.
PRE02 is pale, hairless, and thin to the point of emaciation, with a visible spine and ribcage.

PRE02's behavior is consistent between accounts: while its victims are asleep, it enters their proximity and whispers to them, killing those who awaken while it does so. As evidenced by the fact that this detail is known about it, PRE02 does sometimes allow targets to live even if they wake up while it is whispering to them, though why it does so is unknown, as are the contents of its whispers.
Some have suggested that PRE02 is capable of spreading an effect known as "the Compulsion," i.e., the desire to write about or otherwise record one's experiences with PREs and UXPs. This suggestion is in line with the belief that the PREs and UXPs are "memetic entities" which form as a result of information about them and which can spread or become more powerful when individuals learn about their existence. By this logic, PRE02 causes the Compulsion because it requires the dissemination of information about itself and its fellow PREs and UXPs if they are to propagate and grow in power.
As "meme complex theory" is difficult to prove or disprove, the Archive considers it a framework through which PREs and UXPs can be analyzed rather than an actual hypothesis.

Further Reading

Saturday, October 3, 2020

PRE01 - The Slender Man

  • Angular
  • Ash
  • The Birch King
  • The Duke of Dead Trees
  • The Erlking
  • Fossil-Type BIRCHMAN (Topography Genera Center)
  • The Jabberwock (Baker and Bellman)
  • Long Limbed Man
  • Old Mister Gaunt
  • The Pale Prince
  • Rail Thin Man
  • The Rawboned Man
  • The Silent Stranger
  • The Skinny Bastard
  • The Slender Man (sometimes Slender Man or Slenderman)
  • Slendy
  • Subject Tango Whiskey Delta (The SMSC)
  • The Tall Man
  • The Thin Man
  • The Thin White Duke
  • Timor Lignum Homo (The Library)
  • The Walking Willow
  • Willow
  • Yggdrasil
PRE01 superficially resembles a Caucasian adult male wearing a black business suit and a red or gray tie. However, its facial appearance differs based on the individual viewing it, and when viewed in camera footage, it becomes apparent that PRE01 is anomalously tall and thin, as well as lacking hair and a face.
Certain accounts of PRE01 describe the author viewing its tall, thin, faceless appearance while viewing it in person, implying that when PRE01 takes on a human appearance, this is a deliberate choice rather than an inherent trait.

PRE01 may manifest black tendrils from its back. It usually manifests at least four at a time, if any. However, it is capable of manifesting enough that it becomes difficult to count how many there are. These tendrils are capable of strength the upper limit of which is unknown.

PRE01 displays a wider range of behaviors than the majority of PREs, with prey including young children, high schoolers, college students, adults, those familiar with PRE01 by reputation, those whose friends or family have had contact with PRE01, those who were targeted but not killed by PRE01 as children, and those completely unfamiliar with PRE01. Its abilities are similarly varied, including, but likely not limited to, sensory manipulation, memory manipulation, creation and control of fire, free movement throughout spacetime, and the aforementioned tendrils.
PRE01's modus operandi is inconsistent between accounts. Most sources describe it as passive in nature, watching its victims from a distance and only acting when it feels the need to make its power apparent or after having stalked the victim for some time. Others describe it as taking a more active role, gaining the trust of its victims before killing them and placing their internal organs in plastic bags or nearby trees.

PRE01 is associated with a symbol known as the Operator Symbol, a circle with an X drawn through it (represented in text as "(X)"). The purpose of this symbol is unclear, and a good deal of debate has gone into whether it acts as a ward against PRE01, a sigil which attracts its attention, a symbol of its presence and activity in the area, or a placebo with no effects in its own right. Regardless of the true purpose of this symbol, the cautious decision would be to assume the worst and avoid drawing it. The exception would be a last resort when already in an encounter with PRE01, in which case there is little risk of drawing PRE01's notice, and the possibility that the symbol does in fact repel it would mean a potential chance to survive the encounter.

PRE01 is sometimes described as gaining the trust of its victims prior to killing them, or as gathering long-term servants to stalk and attack its victims for it. Servants of PRE01 are categorized as P01A00 ("Hallowed"), P01B00 ("Berserkers"), P01C00 ("Sleepers"), and P01D00 ("Agents"). Servants of PRE01 are collectively referred to as "Proxies" or "Slenderproxies."

PRE01 servant types are distinguished from one another largely based on their degree of autonomy. P01A00 are fully under PRE01's control, though whether or not they are aware of their actions while PRE01 is controlling their bodies appears to vary from source to source. P01B00 are willing servants of PRE01 which it takes control of when necessary. P01C00 are not only unwilling servants but unwitting, believing themselves to be free from its influence but controlled into acting as its servants while asleep. P01D00 are fully autonomous, though they may have been coerced, threatened, or manipulated into becoming servants of PRE01.

Further Reading
Note that, while all Further Reading sections will inevitably be lacking at least some entries, that of PRE01 in particular is not exhaustive, owing to the sheer volume of both information and fiction pertaining to PRE01.
Scribe's Note
PRE01 is an interesting one to me. It varies strongly between accounts, as noted in the official description. Does it go after children, past victims who escaped it as children, or people who have never heard of it? Is it a passive observer or a sadistic murderer? Does it earn the trust of others in a human guise or is it a visibly monstrous figure that warps its servants' minds into submission?
It seems as though part of PRE01's power may be that it does not limit itself to a single set of behaviors. It does not target the lonely, like PRE08, or the guilty, like PRE10. It is not a being of chaos, like PRE31, or of order, like PRE09. It simply is.
- Sθ

Phobic Representational Entities

Phobic Representational Entities (PREs)

  • Boojums (Baker and Bellman)
  • The Dancers at the End of the World
  • The Fears
  • Fossils (Topography Genera Center)
  • Misery-Makers
  • Mysterious Semblances at the Strand of Nightmares (PRE32)
  • Them (The Free Radical)
  • Titans (Joseph Sinclair)
Phobic Representational Entities (PREs), much like Unexplained Phenomena (UXPs), are entities which may resemble objects, individuals, or locations, but which possess properties which do not comply with the known laws of physics.
PREs differ from UXPs in that they are believed to represent different types of fear. The original source of this belief is unclear, but it has been repeated by a number of different sources, and individuals higher in the Archive than myself have stated it to be the truth.

Further Reading
As the majority of all files within the Archive deal in some capacity with at least one PRE, this specific list is limited to sources involving the PREs as a whole (with the exception of certain inevitable omissions).

List of Subjects

The following subjects are considered common knowledge to those already familiar with PRE activity, and are, accordingly, not classified. If you are aware of a subject which is not listed here, it is likely that said subject is classified or appeared recently enough that we are not yet familiar with them.   

Phobic Representational Entities

  • CW001 - The Godsway
  • CW002 - The Path of Black Leaves
  • CW003 - The Crumbling Castle
  • CW004 - The Bleak Shore
  • CW005 - The Screaming Tower
  • CW006 - The Catacombs
  • CW007 - Bliss
  • CW104 - The Towering Realm
  • PRE06 - The Empty City
  • P01A00 - Hallowed
  • P01B00 - Berserkers
  • P01C00 - Sleepers
  • P01D00 - Agents
  • P02A00 - Maenads
  • P03A00 - The Timberwolves
  • P03B00 - Apostles
  • P04A00 - The Archive
  • P04B00 - Gifted
  • P05A00 - Puppets
  • P05B00 - Willing Dolls
    • P05B04 - The Jester
  • P07A00 - Carriers
  • P08A00 - The Children of the Cold
  • P09A00 - The Crepuscular Mysteries
  • P10A00 - Prowlers
  • P11A00 - Thoughtborn
  • P11B00 - Towerborn
  • P12A00 - Plague Bearers
  • P12B00 - Mad Doctors
  • P13A00 - Nests
    • P13A27 - The Witch of Gatlinburg
    • P13A32 - Sergei Korchaviv
  • P14A00 - The Camper
  • P15A00 - Hosts
  • P15B00 - The Cabaret of Death
  • P16A00 - Drones
  • P18A00 - Nameless
  • P19A00 - The Sine Corda
  • P19B00 - The Hushed Monks
  • P20A00 - Lilim
  • P22A00 - Rose Brides and Violet Grooms
  • P23A00 - Scions
  • P24A00 - Crimson Knights
  • P24B00 - Fireveined
  • P25A00 - Blood Vessels
  • P25B00 - The Scarlet-Marked
  • P31A00 - The Offscouring
Unexplained Phenomena
  • UXP023 - Poltergeists
  • UXP062 - Receivers
  • UXP064 - Wilhelm Wood
  • UXP138 - Jack of All
  • UXP214 - The Unlucky Man
  • UXP417 - Dimensional Bleeding
  • UXP581 - The Carnal
    • UXP581A - Hunger
    • UXP518B - Lust
    • UXP518C - Panic
  • UXP683 - The Crossroad of Trials
  • UXP832 - The Bleeding Tree
  • UXP940 - The Man in Gray

  • ORG01 - Runners
  • ORG02 - The STAB (Supernatural Threat Analysis Bureau)
    • ORG02A - The SMSC (Special Monitoring and Study Commission)
    • ORG02B - Classified
    • ORG02C - The TMBG (Transcontinental Mobile Brigade)
    • ORG02D - The DARE (Dangerous Anomaly Reconnaissance Executive)
  • ORG03 - The Panopticon
  • ORG04 - Horma Studios
  • ORG05 - The Last Rites Organization
  • ORG06 - The Library
  • ORG07 - Wonderland Core
  • ORG08 - The Mountebank Club
  • ORG09 - ARC
    • ORG09A - ARC Midwest
    • ORG09B - ARC West
    • ORG09C - ARC Southwest
    • ORG09D - ARC Northeast
    • ORG09E - ARC Southeast
  • ORG10 - KRAKEN
  • ORG11 - TRIAS


Greetings. I am Scribe Theta (they/them). I work for an organization known primarily as the Archive, though we are also known as the Grandchildren, P04A00, and by the names of a number of fronts which are very much classified.
If you're here, you likely already know what we do. We work for PRE04- Grandfather, the Blind Man, the Aged Aged Man. The entity that resembles an elderly male wearing sunglasses and a coat, that wanders through libraries, that takes the childhood memories of those it comes across.
This site is intended to disseminate information which the Overseers of the Seattle, Washington branch of the Archive have deemed common knowledge to those aware of the existence of Phobic Representational Entities and Unexplained Phenomena- that is to say, information which is not rare enough to sell.

- Sθ