Saturday, January 23, 2021

PRE09 - The Shadow People


  • The Dark
  • Impressions
  • Logos Black (PRE32)
  • The Miracle
  • The Nightlanders (Martin Behaim)
  • The Nightmakers
  • Regulars
  • The Shadow Cartographers
  • The Shadow People
  • Shadowgraphers
PRE09 is comprised of multiple instances, each of which resembles a human shadow. Instances exist and move independently of any caster, and, in some descriptions, independently of any surface.

Certain accounts describe instances of PRE09 as having "burning eyes," referring to a faint red glow sometimes accompanied by the production of heat. In addition to this detail, which is typical of the varying descriptions between different accounts of PREs, descriptions of the appearance of PRE09 instances are frequently self-contradictory, with one account describing instances as "simultaneously distinct and indistinct, blacker than night and yet blurring together."

Instances of PRE09 are capable of interacting with the outside world, in some accounts doing so by pantomiming interaction with shadows. 

Instances of PRE09 are known for their unusual behavior. They rarely seek out victims actively, and are most commonly sighted rearranging objects, often in a fashion described as particularly orderly. However, PRE09 appears to become hostile towards individuals interpreted as working against their goals. This hostility most commonly results from moving objects which PRE09 had previously rearranged, and may result in the rearrangement of the victim's anatomy. Instances of PRE09 have also been described as directly altering the minds of victims, which may result in coma, obsession with order, or a combination of paranoia, anxiety, and nyctophobia. No clear connection has been found between the actions of a victim and response by PRE09.
PRE09 appear to be either servants or former servants of PRE06 ("the Empty City"). In some accounts, they are described as forcing victims into PRE06, either physically or by threat, or as living within PRE06. Other accounts describe them as being averse to entrances to PRE06.
Further Reading

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