- The Brute
- Cold Smoke (PRE32)
- Ferratus
PRE24A is made of smoke and/or fire, and may or may not be described as humanoid in shape. Humanoid manifestations are often described as wearing patches of cloth and leather stitched together irregularly, often including a hood over its head. Certain sources describe protrusions similar to horns extending out of it at seemingly random points on its body.
PRE24A is associated with chains. Many sources describe it as being covered, wrapped, or bound in chains, and it may be chained to an anvil, which is presumed to be indestructible, given that PRE24A itself has not yet destroyed it.
Sources in which PRE24A is active, rather than being chained or dormant, describe it as capable of acts of immense strength. However, it is rarely described as intelligent, often characterized as functionally equivalent to a wild animal or a berserker from Germanic myths.
While PRE24A's physical power is agreed to exceed that of a human by an unknown but high degree, it is best known for its ability to induce anger and aggression in humans, either as a result of proximity to PRE24A or due to it wrapping chains around the individual(s) in question. These chains may or may not physical in nature.
Individuals made aggressive by PRE24A may display unusual degrees of physical strength and/or speed.
Further Reading
- The Ashen Path
- Castle Fear - The Knight
- Chain Mail
- Convention of the 24 - [4/24] MiSSiNg COLD SMOKE - [4/24] MiSSiNg JEANNE D'ARC
- Once There Was - A Fire on Dunwich Beach
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