- Aviaries
- Birdbrains
- Feather Heads
- Fleshcages
- Mansuits
- Nests
- Scarecrows
- The Scarred
P13A00 are individuals containing instances of PRE13.
Most instances of P13A00 release their respective instances of PRE13 by cutting themselves open, allowing the release of PRE13 instances. Because of this, instances of P13A00 are commonly identifiable based on the presence of scars or wounds on their bodies. One notable exception is P13A12, Sergei Korchaviv (better known as the Faceless Bastard), who has a large hole where his face should be, allowing him to release PRE13 by removing his mask.
However, any wound can allow entry of PRE13 from instances of P13A00, regardless of whether or not said wounds are self-inflicted.
Some instances of P13A00 have been described as having PRE13 instances around them rather than within them, raising the question of whether or not they truly fit the P13A00 designation. However, as these instances are highly rare, a redesignation has not been deemed necessary for the foreseeable future.
Similarly, some instances of P13A00 have been described as being directly controlled by their respective PRE13 instances, colloquially being known as "Mansuits" as a result. As with the aforementioned issue of P13A00 instances whose respective PRE13 instances exist near them rather than within them, this type of P13A00 instance is deemed too rare to require a redesignation.
Further Reading
- The Archive - P13A27: "Witch of Gatlinburg"
- B-Movie Monsters - A Murder of Crows (19??)
- A Bird of the Air Shall Carry the Voice
- The Book of Cant - BIRDBRAIN (noun)
- CHANNEL FEAR - Them 8: The Convocation of Birds
- I am a Creature of Darkness
- The Most Dangerous Game - Birds of a feather
- Still Remains Within - Diner
- There are Birds Inside Me and I Have No Face
- The World Through These Eyeholes
Scribe's Note
No idea why the higher-ups don't want to reclassify non-nesting Nests as P13B00 and Mansuits as P13C00. Tradition, I guess.
That, or it's just too much work to sticky note everything that calls them "P13A00" saying it's outdated, though I can't imagine that'd take long anyways.
- Sθ
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