Sunday, October 4, 2020

PRE04 - Grandfather

  • The Aged Aged Man (Baker and Bellman)
  • The Blind Man
  • ELDER (PRE03)
  • Fossil-Type CREMATOR (Topography Genera Center)
  • Grandfather
  • The Jack of Shadows (PRE32)
  • Memory
PRE04 resembles an elderly human male and is usually described as wearing a coat, as well as either sunglasses or a blindfold. Those accounts which describe what is behind the sunglasses or blindfold vary as to the details thereof; cataracted eyes, skin directly over where its eyes would be if it were human, and completely empty eye sockets have all been reported. 

The exact details of PRE04's activity vary, as with most PREs, but the majority of sources describe it as walking through libraries while carrying a book. In some accounts, PRE04 asks its target to write their name in the book, while in others, it writes their name itself. Either way, after this point, the target suffers from retrograde amnesia. This usually affects the memories they had up to a certain age (generally the age of thirteen, sixteen, or eighteen), but it may affect another set of memories, or all of their memories at once. 
PRE04 is sometimes known to make deals with humans, causing them to forget painful or traumatic memories in exchange for a price of some sort. Owing to PRE04's nature as a PRE, these deals are rarely a net gain for the individuals making them. However, there are times when PRE04 appears to be working to its own ends rather than attempting to cause suffering in the individual with whom it is making a deal. For example, it may collect particular memories for the purpose of having them in its records or so it can later implant them in an instance of P04B00 ("Gifted"), or it may ask the individual in whom it is causing amnesia to become a member of P04A00 in exchange.
Further Reading

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