Saturday, July 10, 2021

PRE07 - The Choir


  • The Choir
  • Chorus
  • Death of Communication
  • Distortion 
  • Echo
  • Fossil Type-PASSACAGLIA (Topography Genera Center)
  • The Jubjub (Baker and Bellman)
  • Static

PRE07 is known to manifest in three different forms, each of which shares a common modus operandi. These include a gray mold, a blurry image in one's peripheral vision, and a group of gray, humanoid shadows. Each form of PRE07 is distinguished by altering sound waves, typically resulting in what appear to be auditory hallucinations. These altered sounds frequently cause victims of PRE07 to hear others' words as critical or negative, regardless of actual speech.

PRE07 has been described as causing sound waves able to destroy glass, eardrums, human brains, etc. The upper limit of this ability's destructive potential is unknown.
Further Reading
Scribe's Note
So, this isn't mentioned anywhere in our official PRE07 documentation, and it's more or less completely unsubstantiated, but I have a hunch of sorts. PRE07 is presumably able to manipulate ultrasonic and infrasonic waves, and I think that could be why it sometimes manifests as shadows or blurs- it's been suggested that infrasound could potentially cause visual hallucinations by vibrating the eye, with the primary example being indistinct gray figures in one's peripheral vision.

Sounds familiar, doesn't it?
Again, though. Just a hunch.  
- Sθ

Friday, July 9, 2021

P13A00 - Nests

  • Aviaries
  • Birdbrains
  • Feather Heads
  • Fleshcages
  • Mansuits
  • Nests
  • Scarecrows
  • The Scarred
P13A00 are individuals containing instances of PRE13.
Most instances of P13A00 release their respective instances of PRE13 by cutting themselves open, allowing the release of PRE13 instances. Because of this, instances of P13A00 are commonly identifiable based on the presence of scars or wounds on their bodies. One notable exception is P13A12, Sergei Korchaviv (better known as the Faceless Bastard), who has a large hole where his face should be, allowing him to release PRE13 by removing his mask.
However, any wound can allow entry of PRE13 from instances of P13A00, regardless of whether or not said wounds are self-inflicted.
Some instances of P13A00 have been described as having PRE13 instances around them rather than within them, raising the question of whether or not they truly fit the P13A00 designation. However, as these instances are highly rare, a redesignation has not been deemed necessary for the foreseeable future.

Similarly, some instances of P13A00 have been described as being directly controlled by their respective PRE13 instances, colloquially being known as "Mansuits" as a result. As with the aforementioned issue of P13A00 instances whose respective PRE13 instances exist near them rather than within them, this type of P13A00 instance is deemed too rare to require a redesignation.

Further Reading
Scribe's Note
No idea why the higher-ups don't want to reclassify non-nesting Nests as P13B00 and Mansuits as P13C00. Tradition, I guess.
That, or it's just too much work to sticky note everything that calls them "P13A00" saying it's outdated, though I can't imagine that'd take long anyways.

- Sθ

Wednesday, July 7, 2021

PRE13 - The Convocation

  • The Bright Ones
  • The Convocation
  • The Convocation of Birds (The Free Radical) 
  • The Encroaching Storm
  • The Flock
  • The Murder of Crows
  • Odin's Sight
  • The Storm
  • Stratosfear (PRE32)
  • The Stymphalian
  • The Thunder and the Lightning
  • The Unkindness of Ravens
  • The Wake of Vultures
Instances of PRE13 are birds of various different species. They frequently follow or attack victims, flock in groups which would not form naturally, and appear in areas to which they are not native. All instances are believed to share a single consciousness.
Instances of PRE13 are capable of generating lightning from their bodies.
Instances are also capable of entering human bodies, creating instances of P13A00 ("Nests"). Instances of P13A00 are primarily independent, albeit still under the influence of PRE13, but are sometimes instead fully controlled by the instances of PRE13 they contain.
It has been suggested that PRE13 itself is actually the lightning generated by the bodies of its birds, or, alternately, a force which inhabits both the lightning and the birds. Experimental data are currently inconclusive.

Further Reading

Saturday, January 23, 2021

PRE09 - The Shadow People


  • The Dark
  • Impressions
  • Logos Black (PRE32)
  • The Miracle
  • The Nightlanders (Martin Behaim)
  • The Nightmakers
  • Regulars
  • The Shadow Cartographers
  • The Shadow People
  • Shadowgraphers
PRE09 is comprised of multiple instances, each of which resembles a human shadow. Instances exist and move independently of any caster, and, in some descriptions, independently of any surface.

Certain accounts describe instances of PRE09 as having "burning eyes," referring to a faint red glow sometimes accompanied by the production of heat. In addition to this detail, which is typical of the varying descriptions between different accounts of PREs, descriptions of the appearance of PRE09 instances are frequently self-contradictory, with one account describing instances as "simultaneously distinct and indistinct, blacker than night and yet blurring together."

Instances of PRE09 are capable of interacting with the outside world, in some accounts doing so by pantomiming interaction with shadows. 

Instances of PRE09 are known for their unusual behavior. They rarely seek out victims actively, and are most commonly sighted rearranging objects, often in a fashion described as particularly orderly. However, PRE09 appears to become hostile towards individuals interpreted as working against their goals. This hostility most commonly results from moving objects which PRE09 had previously rearranged, and may result in the rearrangement of the victim's anatomy. Instances of PRE09 have also been described as directly altering the minds of victims, which may result in coma, obsession with order, or a combination of paranoia, anxiety, and nyctophobia. No clear connection has been found between the actions of a victim and response by PRE09.
PRE09 appear to be either servants or former servants of PRE06 ("the Empty City"). In some accounts, they are described as forcing victims into PRE06, either physically or by threat, or as living within PRE06. Other accounts describe them as being averse to entrances to PRE06.
Further Reading